Sold Selling Legit top up LOD diamonds $45 - Thành...

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Diamonds - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lê Công Sĩ, 9/19/17.

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  1. Lê Công Sĩ

    Lê Công Sĩ
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    Selling Legit top up LOD diamonds $45 - Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 10k diamonds with ( 4k 3k 2k 1k single)= 45$ 10k diamonds single ( 1 tap ) = 50$ 5k diamonds single (1 tap) = 33$ TRusted seller....
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  2. OP
    Thes Arias-Pascual

    Thes Arias-Pascual
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    legit ☺
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  3. OP
    Jefferson Alvarado Esteban

    Jefferson Alvarado Esteban
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    I still remember when you were the best seller.
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