Sold Barabmon account lv99 tamer with digis lv99 magna/kaiser

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DonDaSh, 9/18/17.

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  1. DonDaSh

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    Alphamon (Jogress) 5/5 129% lv99
    Ryudamon (Jogress) 4/5 125% lv99
    Impmon with Brustmode opened 5/5 129% lv98
    Ex-Vmon(paladin mode) 5/5 125% lv99
    Baihumon 4/5 120% lv99
    Gabumon 4/5 120% lv99
    Armadimon 5/5 125% lv82 Deuptymon(Funjimon) 4/5 119% lv99
    V-mon 5/5 126% lv93
    Keramon(armagemon) 5/5 123% lv99
    dracomon(Blue/green) 5/5,5/5 , 125%,123% lv99 (jogress activated for both)
    patamon(brustmode) 4/5 120% lv99
    Salamon(brustmode) 4/5 120% lv95
    blackgatomon 5/5 122% lv98
    Gaomon(Starter) 100% lv 97
    Renamon(Brustmode) 4/5 122%
    demi-meramon 5/5 120% lv36
    lopomon 4/5 118% lv95
    Pictures :

    dracmon lv5 champion (Character Bound)

    bakemon lv4 champion (Character Bound)

    Xuanwumon lv5 Champion (Tradeable)

    Qinglongmon lv5 Champion (Tradeable)

    Psychemon lv3 Champion (Character Bound)

    Kamemon lv3 Champion (Character Bound)

    Hawkmon lv3 Mega (Character Bound)

    Tentomon lv3 Champion (Character Bound)

    Soulmon lv3 Champion (Character Bound)

    Rideable Digimons

    jogress alphamon side

    v-mon(Imperial dramon,Lightdramon)



    magnadramon (salamon)

    kyubimon (renamon)

    cherubimon (lopmon)

    Digimon Clone Lvls

    gabumon = at lv6 , ct lv6 , bl lv6, ev lv6

    armadimon (perfect clone) = at lv6 , ct lv6 , bl lv4 , ev lv6

    baihumon = at lv6 , ct lv6 , bl lv6 , ev lv6

    alphamon (perfect clone) = at lv 15 , ct lv 13 , bl lv7 , ev lv 12

    impmon (perfect clone) at lv10 , ct lv6 , bl lv6 , ev lv6

    imperial dramon paladin mode(perfect clone) at lv7 , ct lv6 , bl lv 3 , ev lv 3

    ryudamon (perfect clone) :at lvl 6 , ct lv 6 , bl lv6 , ev lv6

    patamon = at lv7 , ct lv9 , bl lv9 , ev lv8

    salamon = at lv8 , ct lv8 , bl lv6 , ev lv6

    keramon = at lv 11 , ct lv 10 , bl lv5 , ev lv5

    dracomon(blue)(perfect clone) = at lv6 , ct lv3 , bl lv4 , ev lv3

    dracomon(green)(perfect clone) = at lv6 , ct lv4 , bl lv3 , ev lv3

    v-mon = not cloned

    deputymon (near pf clone) = at lv12 , ct lv12 , bl lv9 , ev lv9

    lopomon =not cloned

    demi meramon = not cloned

    renamon = at lv8 , ct lv8 , bl lv4 , ev lv6

    gaomon(starter) = at lv8 , ct lv8 , bl lv5 , ev lv6

    salamon(blackgatomon) = at lv6 , ct lv9 , bl lv6 , ev lv6


    Shorts pants of Zhuqiaomon 2xslots

    flame hooded shirt of zhuqiaomon 3x slots

    1x earring of zhuqiaomon digitary power 200% cd cd ds ( 604 ds , 16.99% cd , 17.16% cd)

    1x necklace of zhuqiaomon digitary power 200% AS CD ct DE (14.83% AS , 18.70 CD, 5% CT , +38 DE )

    1x aural Earring of baihumon digitary power 200% ds hr cd (800 ds , 500 hitrate , 20% cd)

    1x earring of baihumon 200% digitarypower de avoid cd (+67 de , 5% avoid , 19.24% cd)

    1x aural ring of baihumon digitary 200% hp hp ct ds (+800 hp , +800 hp , 5% CT , +800 ds)

    1x ring of baihumon digitary 200% at at ds att(+143 at,+87 at, +405 ds , +1% att)

    1x ring of zhuqiaomon 200% digitary at at hp sk ( +267 at , +259 at , +711 hp , +279 sk)

    1x xuanwumon`s shiny necklace 200% digitary ds cd ct as (+800 ds , +20% cd , +5% ct , +15% AS )

    Pictures :


    PS: T = Tradeable , CB = (Character bound)

    1- 236 digicore(T) ,11 evo(T) 93(CB)

    2- 16 clone S(T) 11(CB) , 524 clone A(T) 51(CB) ,11 clone B(T) 19(CB) , 13 Clone C(T) 20(CB) , 14 clone D(T)

    3- 12 jumpbooster all area (T) 286(CB) 10 jb file island (CB)

    4- 5x seal opener(T) 10x sealcloser(T)

    5- 3x Reinforced clone A B(T) , 7 Reinforced clone D(T) , 11x bu (T)

    6- 12x hbu (T) , 2x reinforced digiclone set box (T) , 1x tamer skill box 30D(T)

    7- 18 reset capsule (cb) ,10x hbu(cb) , 2x avatar box costume 7d(CB) , 1x avatarbox gloves 7d (CB)

    8- 4x 7d 2x 15d 1x30d jogress chip(CB) , 194 mc6(T) , 4x 200% booster 30min(T)

    9- 1x rein C(CB) , 4x rein c(T) , 352x spirit accelerator(T)2000x accelerator (T)

    10- 10x mode selector(CB)1x (T) ,25x NCS(CB),14x RenewalStone(T)

    11- 5x Digitarystone(CB) ,3200+ ChickenCombo(T) ,xuanwmon saddle(T)

    12- 4x 1000% booster 2hrs, 8xmircalefruit (cb) 10x(T) , 6x fruit of genesis (CB) , 6x inventory expansion (cb) 15x(T)

    13- 7x 1d,1x7d attribute booster (T) 10x 1d,12x7d,11x30D (CB) ,2x1hr digiaura box (cb) 160x cc (cb) 2x1000% booster 30min 16x 200% 1hr 3x 1000% 1hr (CB)

    and the account contains 24.5T

    pictures :

    Kaiser Shiny spirits : Fire H , B - WindH - Earth H , B (missing wind B, ICE H &B , Wood H & B in order to get them check the P.S below )

    Magna Shiny Spirits : Thunder H , B - Water H , B - Darkness H - Steel H , B ( Missing Light H & B , Darkness B in order to get them also check the P.S below )

    P.S : in order to get the rest of the spirits the 5 of kaiser and 3 of magna i will be providing the next :

    1: account contains spirit wood H and it has extra bokobook for 1 magna spirit with items in acc such as ( 21x backupdisk , 4x 1000% booster 30min , 3x 200% 1hr , 1x 1000% 1hr , 7d digiaura ,7d snowboard suit , 1x reinforced clone S , C & 2xReinforced clone A , 2x Mega reinforced S A B C D & agumon lv4 , arkadimon lv5 , gabumon black lv5 , baihumon lv4 , doggymon lv3 , starmon lv3)

    2-account contains spirit ice H and it has extra bokobook for 1 magna spirit with items in acc such as ( 21x backupdisk , 3x 1000% booster 30min , 7d digi aura , 7d snowboardsuit , 1x rein C B , 2x mega S A B C 1x D , baihumon lv5 , gardromon lv5 , black gatomon lv3 , renamon lv3 )

    3-account contains Wind B and it has extra bokobook for 1 magna spirit with items in acc such as (21x Backupdisk , 2x mega S A B C D , 1x Rein S B , 2x Rein C , 3x 1000% 30min , digiaura 7d , dorugamon lv5 , ryudamon lv3 , keramon lv4 , bearmon lv3 , gomamon lv5)

    P.S : at this stage all the magna spirits are finished and only 2 spirits left for kasier (check the rest of the post thanks ;)

    4-account contains Wood B with items in acc such as (21x backupdisk , 7x 1000% 30min booster, 2x 200% 1hr , 1x snowboardsuit 7d , 2x Rein C , 1x Rein B D , 2x mega S A B C D , betamon lv5 , gomamon lv5 , ex-vmon lv3 , soulmon lv3 )

    5- account contains ice B with items in acc such as (21x backup disks , 2x 200% 1h booster , 2x 1000% 30min , 1x 100% 7d booster , 2x mega S A B C D , 1x Rein A , 2x Rein C , 2x digiaura 7d ,1x snowboardsuit 7d , Fanbeemon lv5 , Dexdorugamon lv5 )

    pictures :

    thanks for reading and if you think its bit overpriced well the spirits will go for like 400tera ? even 500 but lets calculate on 400T , 5T = 1$ so thats 80$ for spirits only anyway thanks for visiting and goodluck :)

    Price : 70$ # tho
    payment through paypal only
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