Hi All, I decided to sell off my account as i have less time to play now. Account Type = Hive ID Resources - 15K Rubies - 87M Gold - 2500 Arena Coins - 83 SSS Allies - 30 SS Allies - 983 Transcended Essence - Monkey Brooch x 1 Plans to MAX Shadow Howl & Margret upon release 7 Transcended Allies - Drunken Falcon Max - Ravengale Max - Llywelyn Max - Manalandy Max - Mikaela Max - Blackaria Max - Kymael Base All accessory slots unlocked 13 Keys - Helios Ult - Atlas Ult - Sasha Ult - Thantos Ult - Iota Ult - Epilson Ult - Tiehr Ult - Omega Ult - Askr Ult - Stigma Base - Tethys Base - Ouranos Base - Ragnarok Base 16 Deities / 117 Paladin, Rogue, Priest Price #
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