Selling [US-NY] [H]: Treasure Trove of 3DS Games, PSVITA Games, 3DS [W]: Paypal

Discussion in 'Trove Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Trove Account: Cheap & Safe' started by /u/Endlessmahou, 9/18/17.

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  1. /u/Endlessmahou

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    Have a bunch of games for sale.

    Timestamp :

    Timestamp :

    • 3DS - Animal Crossing - 15 dollars + shipping + paypal fees! (2x)
    • 3DS - Etrian Odyssey Untold The Millenium Girl - 25 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 The Fafnir Knight - 30 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Etrian Mystery Dungeon - 25 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Project X Zone 2 (Sealed) - 13 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Legend of Legacy - 20 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Stellaglow - 25 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Story of Seasons - 20 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Dragon Quest VII - 25 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Pokemon Sun - 25 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Fire Emblem Birthright - 25 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Fire Emblem Conquest - 25 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • 3DS - Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentina - 25 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • PSVITA - Freedom Wars - 15 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • PSVITA - Conception 2 - 15 dollars + shipping + paypal fees!
    • "New" Nintendo 3DSXL - 130 + Shipping + Paypal fees (Includes Case)

    Thanks for Looking.

    # #/Endlessmahou
    . .
    #1 /u/Endlessmahou, 9/18/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
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