Selling Selling Epic account - all heroes - diamond 4 (hl, eu) - tons of cosmetics. Get it now

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sellingmyacc1, 9/17/17.

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  1. sellingmyacc1

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    Tired of waiting for your next favorite hero to appear in the free weekly rotation? Every 3-4 weeks there is a new awesome hero, but your gold is hardly ever enough to pay for it, because there is another one that you already desire. I know that feeling. I've been there!

    The combination of pain and joy in this game are something truly mystical, and while I was suffering it, I managed to build an awesome, super rare account that you can now have! Buying all of the account contents can easily amount to $1,900+!

    What rank is the account in the current season?

    Hero League - Diamond 4
    Team League - Platinum 1

    Region: EUROPE

    (The account have reached Diamond HL in every season so far, with many more achievements.)

    What's inside the account beside all heroes?

    A lot. Pretty much everything you want and expect from such purchase.

    • 490+ Terrifying Skins. Including tons of legendaries and epics. Having a scarier skin will help you win more games! Fear is the big factor nowadays.
    • 70+ Awesome Mounts. Never go barefoot or riding the poverty-horse EVER AGAIN!
    • 50+ Sprays, 35+ Banners, 200+ Voicelines, 95+ Special Emojis, 170+ Portraits and more! Everything needed for every situation in order to tilt your opponents, and raise Hell where needed.
    • Several Loot Chests! I left them as a special "thank you" note for helping me out.
    • A lot of exclusive content! Many special awards and achievements you won't ever get anywhere.
    • The account have more than 2,000 gold remaining, 700+ diamonds, and some Shards leftovers (300+)

    Is there a free username change?

    Yes! In fact it's a MUST. I have been using my username for a very long time, also actively participated in many communities, so you will have to change it so people don't randomly confuse you for me.

    Can I have a screen-sharing session to make sure everything is allright?

    Absolutely! In fact I'm not sharing the full details of the account in order to not compromise it. You are 100% free to request a free pre-sale screensharing session to make sure everything is as I say it is. The screensharing session will be done in Skype or Viber.

    Why are you selling the account?

    I've always had the dream to do something meaningful with my life. I'm not saying HOTS is preventing me, not at all - if anything gaming thaught me so many things, and helped me a lot. Perhaps it will help me one more time again! To be 100% honest, I don't fully want to split ways with my account, but it came to a point where I have to, and I'm doing it.

    I have a project which is ready to be published, and I'm certain it will have impact on some (potentially many) people's lives. It's not billions-huge potential, but impact and money can be made. It doesn't require tons of funding, but right now I need every penny I can get, and my HOTS accounts is one of the few things that I have left, that have some material value.

    So, in this case my loss is your gain! Be sure I will do everything on my power for this transaction to go smoothly. Including a free 1-hour coaching of HOTS (in case you are new to the game or need some guidelines to become better).

    Now after 2.0 everything can be obtained "for free" without paying. Why should I pay that much for this account?

    Well, as I said - not only purchasing everything will cost you somewhere around 2k, but deciding to go the "For FREE" way is even worse. Time is not only money, but opportunities. I've learned this the hard way. Don't waste your energy in getting frustrated that you don't have the latest OP-est hero. Free your mind from that sh1t, go around and kick a$$ in your brand new shiny armors.

    Obviously there is an easy way too, no matter what everyone else is saying!


    During the years, I have acquired a few more bl1zz games which might be useful for you. Some of these games had patches released which were not purchased.


    Here are a few screenshots from the account. Again - not everything is provided in order to keep the account's safety. If you want to, you can ask me for a screen-sharing session to see everything for yourself.

    Check out how your average skin-list can look like:

    In conclusion HOTS is a truly awesome game, but worrying about whether you have cool skins or sufficient amount of heroes can be a big burden that prevents you to truly enjoy the game and become much better at it. Crashing at that wall over and over again is painful, but now you can put an end to it.
    Talk to me.

    Price: €490, can be negotiated if purchase is quick, if not - I can wait.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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