Hello Ladies and Gentleman, after my old thread was deleted (since I could not prove that my files do not contain any viruses) I decided to give you a script. To use this script, you need the Logitech Gaming Software. First, there is only one "No-Recoil" function (further functions will i add later). The "No-Recoil" function compensates for the recoil of the weapons. 1. Right-click on your profile 2.Click "Create Script" 3.Paste my script and save 4. close the window Press the 5th Mousebutton and "shift" to switch the "Recoil" function on or off. When you turn on the function u Need to press the 2nd Mousebutton first then the 1st Mousebutton to make it run. Press the 5th Mousebutton and "alt" to switch the "Rapidfire" function on or off. When you turn on the function you Need to press the 4th Mousebutton to make it run. To stop the rapidfire function press "shift" Button (it shoots automatically) Video : h t t p s : / / y o u t u . b e / H p l d d L c c i J 0 Hope you Enyoj it! Code: local recoil = false local rapidfire = false function OnEvent(event, arg) OutputLogMessage("event = %s, arg = %s\n", event, arg) if (event == "PROFILE_ACTIVATED") then EnablePrimaryMouseButtonEvents(true) end if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 5) then if (IsModifierPressed("shift")) then recoil = not recoil rapidfire = false if (recoil == true) then OutputLogMessage("Recoil is On\n") else OutputLogMessage("Recoil is Off\n") end else OutputLogMessage("Recoil is Off\n") end end if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 1 and recoil == true and rapidfire == false) then if IsMouseButtonPressed(1) and IsMouseButtonPressed(3)then repeat MoveMouseRelative(-1,7) Sleep(14) MoveMouseRelative(1,-7) Sleep(14) until not IsMouseButtonPressed(1) or not IsMouseButtonPressed(3) end end if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 5) then if IsModifierPressed("alt") then rapidfire = not rapidfire recoil = false if (rapidfire == true) then OutputLogMessage("Rapidfire is On\n") else OutputLogMessage("Rapidfire is Off\n") end else OutputLogMessage("Rapidfire is Off\n") end end if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 4 and recoil == false and rapidfire == true) then repeat PressMouseButton(1) Sleep(64) ReleaseMouseButton(1) Sleep(73) until IsModifierPressed("shift") end end