Sold Selling 8KT power, T13, warlord level 20, com level 193, tons RSS

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by noat6.5, 9/17/17.

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  1. noat6.5

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    Mobile strike account
    Account is located in DACO state
    375 VIP ( max)
    T13 troops unlocked
    236TT TROOPS !!!!!
    eats full rallies/ solos ��
    Commander level 192
    Warlord Level 20
    You can easily boost this account up to a ridiculous power, but then people wouldn't solo!! I only build T12/T13 troops that doesn't increase the power size...
    all gear leveled to max . 7.55tt Attack boost - play around with this and I'm sure you can get it to
    4 bil gold
    tons of resources /casino points / SPEED UPS
    Payment made and account and email signed over to winning bidder within 2hrs. ( NB I'm UK, so between the hours of 7am - 10pm UK time I will sign the account over within 2hrs, otherwise, will be the next morning when I wake up)
    Happy to answer any questions
    £100 Uk / $150
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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