Lv43 VIP7, 5000+ Gems, 13 Topaz, 4625 Luxury Pts, 20M Gold, 200+ 5/6★ SKILL Cards, 15+ 4/5★ Goods

Discussion in 'Game of Dice Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bungie, 9/17/17.

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  1. Bungie

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    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Lv43 VIP7,
    5000+ Gems,
    13 Topaz,
    4625 Luxury Pts,
    20M Gold,
    200+ 5/6★ SKILL Cards,
    15+ 4/5★ Goods

    6★ SKILL Cards:
    Pandas Greed Plus, Power Build, Precise Excellent Choice (Dice Control +5!), Glittering Punisher Winning Move Plus (185% stealing!), Push, Pirates, Mirror Mirror, Birthday Party, Mary’s Lure, Bandit Street, Fair Bargain, Blitz Rush, Scot Free, Pass Start, Home Run, Occupancy, Ice Wall, Power Up!, Angry Cow, Come with me, Fast and Furious, Challenge! Sea Fishing, Build it! Sandcastle, Strange Pipette, Fetch Plus, More and More, Incomplete Controller Plus, Yikes! Crocodile, Map of Fortune, It’s a Trap!, A wrecked ship, You’re mine now, King of pirates Plus, Can’t hide from me, You come or I go, Cool it Ox, Slow, Blackout, Rainbow Party, Road Tour, Festival, World Tour, Single, Leave it to Fate, Curse Plus, Drag, Pull, Pursuit Black, Steal Property, Haste Black, Bash, Ambush Plus and more...

    HOW TO:
    There are 2 ways to win easily with this cards.
    First: You make your city's with a combination of Panda, PB and City visit expensive and get them with another cards to your city which is my favorite way.
    Second: you make your own city expensive or let your opponent do it and strike with the glittering Punisher Winning Move. I recommend to use this one in universe channel when you will fight for the big money

    5★ SKILL Cards (the most important):
    Flight, Master Navigator, Wind Jump, Interception and much more…

    CHARACTERS, including
    Wintry Black Rose
    Wintry Mary
    Ling Ling
    Surfer Ion
    and more...

    My fav here is wintry black rose and I never wanted another character due to her joker. But getting new character is easy for you with the gems I have left

    4-5 GOODS LV. MAX, Including
    Body Oil, Shiny Angel’s Wings, Beginner’s Headband, Beginner’s luck

    Backup: Penguin Ticket, Architect’s Artbook, Mini Glass Ball, Cheering Doll, Imperial Seal of Magic, First Aid Kit, Special #

    Catalyst: Raven’s Mask 4->5, Shiny Captiving Perfume

    6★ DICE
    My all time fav dice is Catloaf and I'm sure that you will have a lot of fun with it.
    Dice Controll: 51%
    Chain Power up: 50%
    Good Bye Ox: 38%
    Get an additional Takeover Certificate: 32%

    The tactic with this dice and my cards is just to take over as many city's you can so your opponent can't use winning move.

    What's next?
    I wanted to get Captiving Perfume 5, Shiny Body Oil and Headband in the luxury shop to upgrade it to shiny and also the Raven's Mask to make it 5but I don't have time anymore and I'm happy that I can give you guys a chance to make it.
    With the big amount of luxury pts, it will be easy to get more cards and goods you need. I wanted to safe them cause I knew that I will give my account away.
    I stay at the guild AllStar which is in the top 15 every week and therefore you get 400 gems for sure every week.
    Unfortunately I lost 2T at Universe Channel a couple of days before but with this account and it's card it's easy to get money fast. Normally I stay at 2-5T and spend my money in the JOY MALL.
    Till the next 3-4 days I will have around 500-1000 more gems due to the guild battle and the 500 gems exchange challenge.

    If you have any questions, just ask me!

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