Allies info. All deify allies except those that transcended. Buster - All ultimate Dark soul - All ultimate except 1. Ragnarok 2. Tiehr (MAX+2) 3. Morgana Giants have all but only 2 ultimate 1. Tethys 2. Helios All transcended Dracos- All max Transcended angels 1. Ravengale - Max 2. Farrah- Max 3. Llwelyn- Max 4. Kymael Transcended Boden 1. Falcon - Max 2. Bliss Foxy - Max Spare sss allies over 60 plus Spare allies SS and S over 100 Plus. Got over hundred Dual/triple card Over 50 plus U grade gem of various. 6 character slot Each class with 5 storage page and 2 character with 6 storage space. Share inventory space is fully open