Hello! I want to sell my eu account on Mars. I don't wana play anymore this is why i want to sell it. Level 191 Blader, Honor RANK 13 (88%) // Warrior level 168, HONOR RANK 12 EUROPE SERVER Blader items: Mitrhil Headpiece +10 38 cdi (bind) Craftsman's Sigmetal Suit +9 (7 amp + 20 def + 50 hp slot) Sigmetal Hand of Outrageous +15 ( 2 slots hp steal and 10 amp) Drei Frame Shoes +10 (9 amp + 50 hp slot) Craftsman's Mithril blade + 10 (30 cdi) Archidium Katana of fatal + 9 (20+ 8 rate) Astral Board K Violet Arcana of Laws +8 (account bind) Arcana of Chaos (account bind) Minesta's Amethyst Charm + 3 BOF+7 X2 Vamp Earring +7 x2 AOP+6 ROL+2 CR+1 Leth's Tyrant ring Killian's ring Mineste Chos Fighter Belt +6 Carnelian +7 (account bind) Pet Cookie lvl.3: critical rate +1, hp steal +1, mp auto heal +3 Costume Welcome to Nightmare with 3 slots - 60 attack 6 X 127 FRAGMENTS OF CHAOS ENCHANT SAFEGUARD HIGHEST X1, HIGH X1, MEDIUM X1, low x8 Slot extender low x2 Defensive Earrings +6, +5 etc Essence Runes: HP RUNE LVL 14 HP ABSORB LIMIT UP LVL 15 DEFENCE LVL 1 HP ABSORB UP LVL 3 STR LVL 2 ATTACK LVL 3 SWORD SKILL AMP LVL 4 MAX CRIT RATE LVL 1