Selling Amazing WoW account, Overwatch with a number of Legendaries, etc.

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anderge, 9/15/17.

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  1. Anderge

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    Hey there, got bored of WoW, have about 3 110's, one 903 ilvl (sin rogue), the other two are around 870 (mm hunter and feral druid).

    List of all characters:
    110 Sin Rogue
    110 MM Hunter
    110 Feral Druid
    101 Prot Palladin
    101 Vengeance DH
    94 Fire Mage
    87 Blood DK
    66 Affliction Lock

    Theres a few others, but none notable.

    The rogue has two legendaries, and I haven't gotten one in awhile, so good chance should get another soon.
    The Feral has a single legendary (Ailuro Pouncers)

    It doesn't have flying, but I think is on Pt. 2 of the flying quests, so not too far.

    I also have a rare mount or two, I wasn't much of a mount person.

    Not much gold, only 30k as a whole, but it's pretty easy to get gold with skinning (hunter's profession).

    For the Overwatch side of things, it isn't much, but has a few legendary skins, and is almost ready for competitive play.

    If you'd like to use Middleman or a middleman, you'll be paying for the middleman, but I'm ok with Middleman. You will be going first when paying, if you'd like to see my history on other sites of buying (mainly) I can show you, although I've never used this site before.

    I believe the account with OW and WoW is worth about $350, but I don't mind negotiating.

    If you'd like to work things out, add me on discord and shoot me a message: Mythic#8127

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