Selling Selling [EU] Lvl 95 bow kai full Dullahan set MAXED out

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HereComesJohnny, 9/14/17.

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  1. HereComesJohnny

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    29.5k atk
    16k def
    150 crit
    78 aspd
    90 bal

    Lvl 95, has everything max AP wise. Char has +12 full Dullahan set (including wep) with new scrolls (Weeping, Heartless).
    Set (+wep) is also maxed out entirely (str, critres for armor; bal, crit, aspd for wep).
    Set is completely infused with either def or crit res.
    New accessories (2x The Dead Frozen Thorn with bal, Woeful with bal) all scrolled and infused with bal and crit (bal infusion on necklace).
    70/70 gold medals in Ein Lacher.
    550+ titles

    Overall a very powerful kai. :)

    Msg me here or at discord ognjenbaric #9341 for more info and screenshots.
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