Keeping Skype secure with either phone or email verification

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by bdog21, 9/13/17.

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  1. bdog21

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    I read so many reports on here about people's Skype being # or even alerting the community. Now I know Skype has this because I have it. I think in playerup rules it needs to state that on your Skype you need to have your Skype fully secured by having a passcode verification so no one else can get into your account except you to # your Skype or you need to be fully responsible for it at all times. Now I have it on my Skype. You can choice to set up email or phone to verify with code. Their should be no exception what so ever people should use excuse my Skype was # and like even if they alert the community about it and let's just say a scam does happen a little afterwards then and the owner decides to scams because let's just say someone did a alert in scammers grave or on the thread it was # and they got people believing it was # (not saying anyone dies this but you will never know) and afterwards someone gets scammed because they may be new and just browsing the forms or just look at the first page of comments on a thread if someone posted it on their thread and had like 64 pages or something. You get what I'm saying. and just add the person or don't ever check scammers grave even with an alert. then a scams happens after the alert and let's just it was the owner the whole time and you never know and they ain't responsible for it. I think everyone needs to be 100% responsible for it no matter what because you never know if they will use that advantage to scam afterwards because not everyone here in playerup can view everything if even if you have it in your thread with several comments especially if your new. I think no matter what you should be held responsible at all times with your Skype. Everyone by now has phone verification or even email verification to keep it fully secure at all times and Skype has that option if you login to your Skype from a new device or different ip you must verify with code if you have it set up that way. I think that should be stated in the rules to have your Skype fully secured with verification lock or you will be held fully responsible no matter what for the Your Skype that was #, so no one on here can't use this excuse no more or should have this problem.
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