Sold Selling WTS Lost Ark KR accounts

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by xAlucard, 9/13/17.

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  1. xAlucard

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    Hello guys!

    i am selling 2 differents accounts of Lost Ark KR.

    The CBT2 test time is: 2017-09-15 ~ 2017-09-24 (10 Days)

    Here they are the infos about them:

    First account: Only Username and Password. This account is ONLY available for CBT2 and you're not allowed to change password. At the end of the CBT2 the account will be back to the owner ( I bought this one from 3rd site, so this is surely safe )

    Second account:Only Username and Password. Only CBT2 and you're not allowed to change password. This is an account of mine. After the end of the CBT2 i'll take it back.

    Method payment: PayPal
    Price: 200 € TRACTABLE

    If you want you can contact me here or via skype: mauro morelli ( [email protected] )
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