Looking to sell my Hurk account with all +12 Dullahan gear. Weapon +12 Chaotic Judgement Dullahan GS 4* +12 Enthu Dullahan helm 4* +12 WB Dullahan chest 3* +12 Dullahan boots/pants/gloves 3* Sparkling Frozen Thorn +2 Balance Subdued passion woeful belt +2 balance and Fast berserker blue kitty brooch +2 crit. Won't allow me to add pictures because I can't post links for some stupid reason. Add me on skype for pictures. Mainly looking for gold to fund my Karok account, also willing to take 300$ paypal USD. As for gold asking for 1B. Can add me on skype GreatnessOT AT Gmail DOT com (No links very intelligent site lul)