Weapons: Screenshot by Lightshot (9xR5 weapon here) Screenshot by Lightshot Characters: Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Others: Screenshot by Lightshot MASSIVE whale account (Asia Server) 9x R5 weapons 1x R5 armour (Asuna) 4x 5* Gatcha Characters (Asuna, Sinon, Leafa and Eugeo (free)) with their weapons 49x 4* Gatcha Characters with their R4/R5 weapons (total of 71x 4* including free ones) This is an endgame account, all story is completed. Account Rank 134 (All no.1 ranking titles except for one, all floor clearing titles achieved) Login count 194; Let me know if you need anymore info of the account. Assuming each R5 = $100 and around 40+ characters ($150) with their matching weapon ($100); 21x lvl100, 6x lvl95 and 7x lvl90 including 50+ armour (including R5 armour) and 50+ acc, and high ranking and all floor clearing titles ($50). I would think $1200 is a good deal.
Lowered the price to $800 Update: Summer Festa Leafa from lvl85 -> lvl95 Additional Cheer Silica unit Addition Cheer Asuna unit Additional free 5* kirito unit Additional R4 Fragrant Olive Sword Additional R4 Exchange Sword Login counts = 200 by 19/9, will have 10 record scout crystals for bonds of fate scout. (currently 5/10, login bonus will give 5 more)
Update: Lowered price to $700 New 5 star upgrade vote: OS kirito v1, OS Asuna v1, Raindrops Rain and Alice v2 My account has all these characters, hence will have 9x 5star units Also, 230++ MD farmable and step 3 on new 5* alicization banner Contact me through discord Khrynia#2108 or e-mail: [email protected] if interested