Selling Selling High-End 1.7 Account with 5 Loadouts and Epidemic Mask

Discussion in 'The Division Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xHimuraKenshin, 9/12/17.

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  1. xHimuraKenshin

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    PRICE: $140
    PSN ID:


    - PSN Region: United States
    - Goes with Gmail, used for registration
    - 30 lvl with all ability unlocks
    - 5 loadouts (including Exotic Set), all weapon talents are active


    Exotic Loadout

    - Urban MDR (Focused, Brutal, Distracted)
    Tactical SASG-12 K (Deadly, Responsive, Unforgiving)
    - M45A1


    - Predator Loadout

    - LVAO-C (Brutal, Deadly, Competent)
    Surplus SVD (Brutal, Deadly, Disciplined)
    - M45A1


    Tactician Loadout

    - Lightweight M4 (Talented, Competent, Destructive)
    M700 Carbon (Intense, Competent, Elevated)
    - Golden Rhino


    D3-FNC Loadout

    - MP5 ST (Deadly, Brutal, Responsive)
    Urban MDR (Focused, Brutal, Distracted)
    - Golden Rhino


    Sentry's Call Loadout

    - LVAO-C (Brutal, Deadly, Competent)
    Surplus SVD (Brutal, Deadly, Disciplined)
    - M45A1


    Epidemic Mask from the last Global Event!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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