Selling FFBE super summons! pull your favorite units ! get the TMRs you desire!

Discussion in 'FFBE Boosting Services - Buy Sell Trade' started by ikkibeddu, 9/10/17.

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  1. ikkibeddu

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    My Location:
    We offer Super Summon service for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius,
    contact us for everything you need :)

    Price List:

    $68 for 500 units (about 5 Random 5*) + BONUS
    $137 for 1k units (about 10 Random 5*) + BONUS
    $229 for 2.5k units (about 20 Random 5*) + BONUS
    $322 for 5k units (about 50 Random 5*) + BONUS
    $458 for 10k units (about 100 Random 5*) +BONUS

    **BONUS = Extra random units (3* - 5*)

    Try our new Featured Banner Summon:

    $118 for ONE RANDOM 5* banner unit + BONUS
    $164 for ONE 5* unit of choice + BONUS
    $239 for TWO 5* unit of choice + BONUS
    $296 for THREE 5* unit of choice + BONUS

    ***WARNING: Lots of units!!!
    **BONUS = Random units (3* - 5*)


    We will PRICE MATCH all legit offers.

    TMR Prices:
    $70 for 1x everything
    $90 for 2x everything
    $110 for 3x everything
    $130 for 4x everything
    $150 for 5x everything
    $170 for 7x everything
    $205 for 10x everything

    where everything = All currently released TMR, Weapons, Armor, Accessory, Ability, etc. Material is not included.

    Material prices:
    $75 for 1x199 stack of every material (Esper, Crafting, Awakening Materials, etc)
    +$20 for additional stack of every material or + 15$ for additional Ability Awakening Material

    New Enhancement Materials / Ability Awakening Material (NEW):
    $ 85 for 1x199 stack of the following NEW ability awakening material:
    (White, Black, Green, Power, Guard, Healing, Support Tech) x (Alcryst, Milcryst, Heavicryst, Glancryst, Purecryst)
    +$15 for additional stack of every new ability awakening material

    Event coin prices:

    $30 for 1 million King Mog Exchange Coins
    $30 for 5 million Raid Coins (Ifrit, bahamut, titan, etc)
    $50 for both of the above

    Email: [email protected]
    discord: ikkibeddu#6326
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  2. PlayerUp

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