Selling Selling my account forgot the exact MR, but it...

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Emman Agbayani, 9/10/17.

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  1. Emman Agbayani

    Emman Agbayani
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    Selling my account forgot the exact MR, but it should be MR15-MR17.. $100 - Malolos, Bulacan - 11 Prime Warframes (Frost Prime, Mag Prime, Nyx Prime, Saryn Prime, Trinity Prime, Rhino Prime, Vauban Prime, Volt Prime, Loki Prime, Ash Prime, Nova Prime) including Mesa, Zephyr, Nekros, Inaros, Ivara, Mirage, Valkyr, Titania, Chroma, and Banshee. Also have 2 Archwing frame.. - Most of the frames are already level 30 and been forma and catalyst. - Lot of weapons primes/syndicate ones. also have carrier prime and mantis ship. - other than that, I forgot the others since haven't played it for months.. - 100$ to 200$ RFS: really need money..
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