Sold Selling Lv. 75 Account

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by cc1218, 9/8/17.

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  1. cc1218

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    I have been afk for a long time. Therefore, just want to find a new owner.

    Ruby: 653

    Awaken Hero:
    Lv 40 Karin
    Lv 40 Evan

    Special Hero:
    Lv 40 Pascal
    Lv 40 Teo
    Lv 40 Rin
    Lv 40 Sun Wukong
    Lv 40 Ace
    Lv 40 Eileene
    Lv 38 Lu Bu
    Lv 38 Dellons
    Lv 38 Ruby
    Lv 36 Karma
    Lv 36 Kris
    Lv 36 Spike
    Lv 34 Jave
    Lv 30 Rachel

    Not Awaken Hero:
    Lv 40 Giparang
    Lv 40 Yu Shin
    Lv 40 Bai Jiao
    Lv 40 Bi Dam
    Lv 40 Da Qiao
    Lv 40 Bai Long
    Lv 40 Guan Yu
    Lv 40 Lina
    Lv 40 Jin
    Lv 40 Alice
    Lv 40 Black Rose
    Lv 40 Ming Ming
    Lv 40 Selence
    Lv 40 Nia
    Lv 40 Espada
    Lv 40 Ruri
    Lv 40 May
    Lv 40 Karon
    Lv 36 Jupy
    Lv 34 Lee Jung
    Lv 34 Yui

    PM me for more details
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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