Hello again everyone, For sale I have your average level 60 elin mystic with an ILVL of about 143. Approx 500 or so gold on the account. Nothing to write home to mom about. PM me if interested and I will add 30 days of gametime to the account so you can preview it, and of course hopefully purchase it. May consider trading for another level 60 toon depending on what you are offering. Thanks as always for reviewing my post! Eh? Bump bump - - - Updated - - - Will trade this account for a pvp geared one. Hit me up to discuss further Bump Letting this go for an even 100. Will add a month of gametime as well. Hit me up Bump- Will trade for TERA gold as well. Hit me up Bump- Still up! Check out my post- /tera-trading-...k-now-omg.html for pricing information! Bump Bump Bump Bump- will also trade for in-game gold Bump- accepting reasonable offers at this time. No longer accepting trades for gold. Hello, im interested in ur MT accounts add me on skype: darkkarpwns