I am willing to trade either my Firefall Engineer [(Almost tier 2) This account is an Alpha account so you should be getting rewards after launch of Firefall... Don't know exact date] or Biotech (really close to tier 2) for a High Level TERA account. If needed I will post pictures of proof. (Course being I won't get attacked due to NDA). Region has to be US, server needs to be PVP Server Mount Tyrannas. Character should either be a slayer, lancer, mystic, or beserker. And a High Level (40+ Preferred) My skype is dodsonmc. You can pm me also. I also have an e-mail if you want direct confidential contact: [email protected] /* */ I have teamviewer for trusted trading confidence Oh and if you want easy and direct vocal contact come onto my teamspeak server: ts.reaxtion (Just trying to give out lots of contact options) Each account has a few keys to send out to other friends to join the beta also. The Alpha one has 5. Bump bump bump