Selling Selling [EU] [PC] 1G+ Prestige (153 Rank) 500$

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lunases, 9/7/17.

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  1. Lunases

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    Hi! I'm selling my skyforge account.
    I play on this account from Beta, so there is many cool stuff, but what is important, you can play all end-game content.
    It's very solid and strong account with a lot of items
    which making the game easier.

    Account Inf. :

    - EU Server (PC)
    - Over 1G prestige (153 Rank) 600k might
    - All Bastion MAX. + Machavann's Guard and Integrator Transformer
    - All classes unlocked and mastered with full eq. of course
    - Gorgo,Mecha,Phyto,Reapers LAB MAX. Oceanids Half
    -Only one god spec is missing, rest are maxed +54k deeds
    - 4 Gen 9 Legendary weapons + many different kind gen 9 epic weapons for all classes
    - Legendary Artifacts - Trewang Gen 9, Neuromodulation Gen 8 + many different gen 9 epic artifacts
    - OVER 70 Outfits, 60+ Headwears, 3 different wings and much more stuff in Style Room
    - Battle mount Goliath + Fall Trewang + 13 other Transports
    - 8 Legendary adepts with legendary relic. Your faith will never run out
    - Tower rank- 112, 80k followers, Tower and bastion maxed in Hall of Trophies, cathedral almost.


    If you have any questions or you want to talk about the price, feel free to contact me.

    Contact email- [email protected]
    you want to talk about the price
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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