Hello Everyone, Simply put I would like to exchange my League of Legends account for your Tera Account w/ a level 60 Zerk Now since my league account is of much value, I am only going to trade with someone that has an account that is of equal or equivalent value First and foremost I will mention the status of my league account and different characteristics about it.. - clean ranked season 3 record - 61 characters - 43 skins - 4 rune pages - 10 quint sets - 58rp / 910ip I am looking for a Zerk about 156-157+ item level geared for pvp battlegrounds, if this is reasonable.. Of course I will need to see the character in game for verification and I would like to resolve this exchange via skype please contact me with further information on what you think is a 'fair trade' skype: legitkarma87 name: ray lonerg