PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. THIS ACCOUNT IS PLAYED ON A ANDROID DEVICE Payment: I am willing to accept payment worth of $50 STEAM Wallet Card + $50 worth GooglePlay GiftCard . A total of $100 worth of Wallet Codes. The account is still farmable via Full clear/combo Expert/Master Songs since im so bad at it. Really really BAD ! I only got like less than 4 FC on Expert 0 on master . XD Reason for selling: Im selling my 2 yr. old SIF acct because my enjoyment for the game is kinda fading now Also another factor is im going back to college soon. I cant afford to wake up in the middle of the night just to play and spend my AP. Also I have been doing online Buying/Selling/Trading since my MMORPG days since I was 13 for about 6 years now and I had never been scammed once. So goodluck trying Send me a message on my accounts for any further questions. Reddit - E-mail - [email protected]