Sold Selling WTS>24k Global, top whale, 20legends, 103uq, 4.3k ds, top 10 cod/coi, 50 cot

Discussion in 'Soccer Spirits Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by showmethenetflix, 9/5/17.

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  1. showmethenetflix

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    Hi, I am auctioning off my account. Here's an album of images:

    Starting Bid: 500 USD
    Current Bid:

    Refer to this reddit thread to contact me or post/PM me on playerup:


    1. Consistent top 10 coi and cod and sometimes #1 cod

    2. Consistent galaxy league with 95% win rate, but never universe because no additional rewards

    3. 20 different legends and enough ds to buy 2 new stars in december + jibril or presty

    4. 50 cot with all formations saved

    5. no legend stone, but 38 cores with 20 possible from selling

    6. 103 unique stones

    7. a lot of rerolled uniques with godly substats

    8. some rerolled 4* with godly substats

    9. rerolled slots on: neraizel (red), miri (light), sharr (light), khirel (blue), baltheon (red), askeladd (red), bt (blue), metatron (blue), felix (red), altair (dark), beth (blue) and if there are any others, i forget

    10. notable skins (unique or legend): hell beth, prince khirel, novice angel isillia, unexpected serestia, dizzy meta, femme balth, femme leventor, bodyguard duke

    11. excluded 10 legends and 80 5* with 34 still excludable

    I am selling because life is getting busy and I don't want this account to rot. I regret not being able to continue playing even though a lot of new end game content has been released.

    If I'm missing any information/pictures, feel free to ask. PM or comment in reddit thread with offers. Lowball offers will be ignored. I will continually update post with highest bid. If you want to buy out, feel free to offer.

    No trades, only Paypal accepted with r/SoccerSpiritsTrading mod as escrow.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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