Sold Selling Fan Fest Codes for Tokyo, Las Vegas, Frankfurt + Maid outfit

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MiyabiDoll, 9/4/17.

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  1. MiyabiDoll

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    I have one code each of the FFXIV Fan Fests 2016-17 that are no longer available.
    I paid 30 USD each for them. Feel free to make an offer.
    Here is what will be included with each code:

    Tokyo Fan Fest:
    - Choice of either Yuna or Tidus outfit, one for each character on your account. (Stackable)
    - Wind-up Lulu Minion for all characters on your account.

    Las Vegas Fan Fest:
    - Choice of either Yuna or Tidus outfit, one for each character on your account. (Stackable)
    - Wind-up Rikku Minion for all characters on your account.

    Las Vegas Fan Fest:
    - Choice of either Yuna or Tidus outfit, one for each character on your account. (Stackable)
    - Wind-up Yuna Minion for all characters on your account.

    I also sell 1 code for a Maid outfit only. Send me an offer.
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