Sold Selling Multiple Toons being sold more details inside

Discussion in 'Toontown Rewritten Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SweetyDarling, 9/4/17.

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  1. SweetyDarling

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    Selling 3 Toons but with certain faulty conditions (both high toons are muted, thus the price is going to be dropped very very low)

    Color of all Toons: Amber
    Names: Are all similar
    Clothes:A wide enough selection and mostly matching clothing minus the lowest toon.

    Main Toon: 120 Laff cat, dropless, maxed cash/sellbot, Legal Eagle 11, Flunky 1
    SOS Toons: Too many to count "Useful sos cards only"
    Flowering: 30/40
    Racing: Bad, 1475 tickets


    Secondary Toon: 107 Laff Mouse, trapless, Hollywood 35, Short Change 4, Bottom Feeder 2, Flunky 2
    SOS Toons: Enough but not more than the cat.
    Flowering: 5/40
    Fishing: 45/70
    Racing: Bad, 73 tickets


    (this toon still has chat ability) Third Toon: 55 Laff duck, suppose to be lureless, cold caller 3, too low for the rest
    Gags: Pixie Dust, Trumpet, creampie, fire hose, big weight
    SOS Toons: 12, 3 debatable as bad cards
    Flowering, Fishing, Racing: All bad

    Cat: 25 dollars
    Mouse: 20 dollars
    Duck: 5 Dollars

    Can all be bought together, or choose which ones. (serious buyers only)

    Contact Info: Discord-Revoked#2463 Kik:NiqqaBerry
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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