Selling 110k+ power account from S96 110k power atm Rank 2 in power on the server Please PM me with offers or leave a message here. As there are too many screenshots to take, I will provide them on request. This account has level 7 battle armor 1/4 to level 8 CHARMS LV 6/7 PURIFICATIONS PURPLE/ORANGE RUNE CAVEKEY : 7/8/9/10 THIS ACCOUNT IS MAX FARMED EVERYDAY SINCE THE SERVER RELEASE. #2 POWER Level: 95(accumulated exp -142%) Ninjas: 129. missing Edo Deidara, Sasori 100 puppets, Hanzo, Konohamaru and Hebihime(agate) Summons: Only missing turtle. Battle Power: 110k+ Magatamas - 6/7. Summoning Runes - 7/8 Refines all 7/8/9 and also 2 is level 10 Jonin Medal 186 days left Seal Scrolls: 275 Summoning Scrolls: 65 Summoning Cultivation level: 7 60/100 Battle Armor: Rank 7 1/4 to 8 Tactic Ghost Level 5 With Costume Kimono, Cowboy, Summer Youth Sai, Eternal Belief