Selling IGN : IC-You (Pake spasi karakter mandarin/...

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anthony Nyolanda, 8/4/17.

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  1. Anthony Nyolanda

    Anthony Nyolanda
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    IGN : IC-You (Pake spasi karakter mandarin/ atau lihat guild "IndoCelestials") Server : Asia LV : 70 Price $100 or IDR 1.250.000 Mastery : Max Full Formation: Max Full Arena : 4300 = 70-80% winning Rate 7K/4Lord/Ex-4Lord : - Kris 44 - Rudy 40 - Spike 42 - Dellon 40 - Eileen 42 +3x4* - Jave 40 - Rachel 40 - Rin 42 - Gokong 42 + 4x4* - Ace 42 - Lubu 42 + 3x4* - Teo 46 - Karma 40 - Kyle 38 - Yeonhee 36 - Klahan 42 - Elysia 46 - Kyrielle 46 - Miho 36 Awaken Hero : - Yuri 46 - Karin 46 - Evan 46 - Jupy 46 - Sieg 44 - Ballista 46 - Shane 46 - Hellenia 40 - Li 42 - Sniper 42 - Ariel 36 - Dellon 40 - Espada 40 - Nia 42 - Lina 40 - Chloe 40 - RUri 44 - knox 46 Raid Hero : Hitter Weapon full Awk +5 Support mixed Weapon/armor Awk (7K item minimum) - Shane 46 - Baijiao 40 - Lina 40 - Espada 40 - Velika 40 - Karon 40 - Jupy 46 - Feng Yan 40 Hero : - Lee jung 44 - Ruri 44 - Giparang 42 - YuShin 42 - Lucy 42 - Jake 40 - Pascal 40 - Asura 40 - Bai jiao 40 - Xiao 40 - Bidam 40 - Daisy 40 - Sera 40 - Blackrose 40 - MingMing 40 - May 40 - Karon 40 - Nia 40 - Guan Yu 40 - Rook 40 - Yui 38 - Soi 38 - Jin 36 - Maosong 34 - Victoria 34 - Alice 34 - Rei 34 - Leo 32 - Da Qiao 32 - Zhuke 30 - Sylvia 30 - Lania 30 - Chancellor 30 - Noho 5x4* - Fina 2x Colab - Chun Lee 5* - Necali 30 - Akuma 32 Element Banyak Extra Weapon Phy & Mag 27% ada 3-4 extra Armor 4L HP ada 3 Extra Contact anton SMS atau Whatsapp O87.87870.7I72 updated 18/7/17
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Titouan Coudert

    Titouan Coudert
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    Can you give me a screen in private?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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