Selling End game lvl 18 acc.

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Alezm, 9/1/17.

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  1. Alezm

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    WTS my lvl 18 Acc . Here is what i have .
    Warframe unlocked = 46/50 , All prime except Hydroid prime , And Vaubaun In Foundry and can be built Anytime.
    Primary Weapons Completed = 51/86
    Secondary = 31/80
    Melee completed = 73/115
    Sentinel=12/22 and have some in the foundry and ready to be ranked up.
    Kurbrows 2/5.
    i have all Primed mods and the importants ones Maxed Like
    Primed pressure point Maxed
    Primed Reach maxed.
    Primed Continuity Maxed
    Primed Flow Maxed
    Primed Target cracker Maxed
    Primed Pistol Gambit Maxed.
    Primed Ravage Maxed
    Primed Point Black (R9)
    Primed Fury (will get it in few days almost at 200 days logged in ) And you can max it if want cause i have 42k Endo ready to be spent
    i even have Maiming Strike that goes for around 700p.
    Alot of skins and Oberon Prime Access full reckoning Pack bought.
    Atm i have 5,3 million credit and 2229 platinum.
    Focuschool i use Naramon and Zenurik.

    If you are intrested in the account Pm me in Skype: Aweisali13

    Price: Just 150 dollar , # ofcourse , and will send you some screen shots too
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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