Sold Selling For Sell, level 55 Tank On Server HEREDUR only for 60$ add me

Discussion in 'Drakensang Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by estiven34, 8/31/17.

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  1. estiven34

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    Drakensang Accounts For sale
    is an account that is equipped with many good things sold for reasons of little use

    for the price of 60 $
    Account Information:

    -I want to sell my Tank lv 55.
    -He has very good stones, almost full royal. and some nice joker gems.
    -It has many costumes/pets/mounts.
    -Wisdom level = 55.
    -Pvp level = 45 (marshall)
    -it can tank infernal 1 easily. and can tank infernal 2 sometimes, depends on your skills and depends wich Q.
    -It doesnt have 80% block, if it haves, u will tank infernal 2 easily too. ( so u need to wait on varholm event for the shield --to get 80% block ).
    -Many golden stuff, much inventory. so u can craft a lot.

    add me for more inforamtion and send you some screeanshot

    write me

    Gmail: [email protected]

    Skype: darkonikmc

    Only for 65$

    just add me and we'll talk if you're interested

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