Selling Highend bnet account (12+ yr wow)5/9m 3 915+ 1 938+ swift spec tiger,tlpd,vt+

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Drueshae, 8/31/17.

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  1. Drueshae

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    *This is the ENTIRE account
    Skype: cinnadrue
    World of Warcraft: Legion 5/9 [MYTHIC] TOMB OF SARGERAS BOSSES KILLED
    21,000+ Achievement Points
    3 915+ characters, 1 935+!
    Time-Lost Proto Drake, Voidtalon of the Dark Star, Phosphorecent Stone Drake, Long-Forgotten Hippogryph, Subdued Seahorse, Grey Camel INCLUDED
    Legion Flying UNLOCKED
    Ahead of the Curve: Kil’jaeden UNLOCKED

    *This information is constantly being updated as the current owner progresses through World of Warcraft as a high-end collector and top raider

    4+ Characters are 915+ with 52+ traits

    Troll Druid - 938 - 56 traits in Balance/Resto, Guardian has concordance, 4/4 hidden appearance for each spec, 2/4 mage tower challenge for balance. 9 legendaries. Prestige 2
    Blood Elf Priest - 925 - 54 traits in Shadow/Discipline. 4 legendaries (1 BiS). Prestige 1
    Blood Elf Rogue - 920 - 53 traits in Subtlety. 3 legendaries (1 BiS). Prestige 2
    Blood Elf Paladin - 915 - 52 traits in Retribution. 3 legendaries (2 BiS). Prestige 2
    Human Mage - 897 - 54 traits in Frost. 2 legendaries. No prestige
    Night Elf Hunter - Fresh 110
    Human Warrior - Fresh 110

    -Impeccable Fel Essence (Balance BiS)
    -Cinidaria, the Symbiote
    -Luffa Wrappings
    -Pyrdaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus
    -Sephuz’s Secret
    -Ekowraith, Creator of Worlds (Guardian BiS)
    -Aman’Thuls Wisdom (Restoration BiS)
    -The Dark Titan’s Advice
    -Radiant Moonlight
    -Mother Shahraz’s Seduction
    -Al’maeish, Cord of Hope
    -X’anshi, Shroud of Archbishop Benedictus (BiS)
    -Anund’s Seared Shackles
    -Cinidaria, the Symbiote
    -Mantle of the Master Assassin (Triple spec BiS)
    -Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus
    -Uther’s Guard
    -Ilterendi, Crown Jewel of Silvermoon (Holy BiS)
    -Whisper of the Nazrethim (Ret BiS)

    -Bola’virs Last Stand
    -Zann’esu Journey

    Rare Titles (71+ total): the Camel-Hoarder, the Argent Champion, the Dreamer, Lady of War, Champion (+ all rated battleground titles below this one [2100]), Crashin’ Thrashin’, Peacekeeper, Tarren Mill Terror, the Seeker, of the Alliance, of the Ashen Verdict, the Relic Hunter, the Fearless, Chef, Patron of War, Defiler's End, Veteran of the Horde, of the Horde, Fire-Watcher, Masked Chuckler, Empire’s Twilight, of Orgrimmar, the Exalted, of the Alliance, “Conservationist”, Guardian of Cenarius

    Rare Mounts : Voidtalon of the Dark Star, Time-Lost Proto Drake, Grey Riding Camel, Experiment 12-B, Long-Forgotten Hippogryph, Armored Zulian Panther, Swift Razzashi Raptor, Phosphorescent Stone Drake, Drake of the South Wind, Invincible, Felfire Hawk, Ashes of A’lar, Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent, Flametalon of Alysrazor, Grove Warden, Grand Expedition Yak, Pureblood Firehawk, Subdued Seahorse, Vitreous Stone Drake, Ashhide Mushan Beast, Challenger’s War Yeti, Drake of the North Wind, Fossilized Raptor, Headless Horseman’s Mount, Kor’kron War Wolf, Vicious Warsaber, Onyxian Drake, Raven Lord, Winterspring Frostsaber, Swift White Hawkstrider, Swift Brewfest Ram, Azure Drake, all Netherwing Drakes, all Skyguard mounts, Llothien Prowler, Kor'kron War Wolf, Dancing Darkmoon Bear, Swift Forest Strider, Abyss Worm, Valarjar Stormwing, Cloudwing Hippogryph, Vicious War Kodo/Wolf/Raptor/Skeletal Warhorse

    TCG Mounts: Swift Spectral Tiger, Amani Dragonhawk, X-51 Nether Rocket XTREME, Wooly White Rhino, Mottled Drake
    TCG Pets: Nightsaber Cub

    In-game Store Mounts: Grinning Reaver, Enchanted Fey Dragon, Warforged Nightmare, Armored Bloodwing, Winged Guardian, Heart of the Aspects, Celestial Steed
    In-game Store Pets: Alterac Brew Pup, Cinder Kitten, Cenarion Hatchling, Pandaren Monk

    Total Gold : 300,000+

    Notes :
    Ahead of the Curve: Kil’jaeden, Gul’dan, Helya, Xavius unlocked
    Ahead of the Curve (previous content): Garrosh Hellscream, Archimonde, Blackhand unlocked
    71+ titles (Different RBG titles across several characters. Highest title is 2,000)
    52+ exalted reputations
    21,000+ achievement points

    64 Feats of Strength
    78 Legacy achievements

    303 total mounts, 257 faction-wide mounts
    250+ toys
    685+ battle pets
    Celestial Tournament completed twice (Xu-**, Cub of Xuen and Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji)
    Transmoggable account-wide Tabard of Frost (TCG Tabard)
    Account-wide Challenge Mode weapons from WoD unlocked
    Warlords of Draenor Season 3 Elite set transmoggable (every body piece) for the following classes: Paladin , Druid , Mage , Rogue , Warrior , Monk (missing hands, waist, feet) , Hunter (missing boots and waist)
    Legion Season 4 Elite Set transmoggable for Priest

    Classic Collector’s Edition included
    Wrath of the Lich King Collector’s Edition included
    Cataclysm Collector’s Edition included
    Warlords of Draenor Collector’s Edition included

    Alt list:

    100 Human Monk
    100 Human Rogue
    100 Blood Elf Warlock
    100 Blood Elf Demon Hunter
    100 Dwarf Shaman (Faction change pending)
    100 Blood Elf Death Knight

    Level 197
    94 player icons
    Season 1 high: 43, final 42
    Season 2 high: 2165, final 2083
    Season 3 high: 2612, final 2306
    Season 4: high: 2344 final: 2251
    Season 5: 6/10 placement, 4/6 won

    Gold unlock weapon for Mercy
    4375 credits unused
    1028 competitive points

    Champion information (Legendaries/epics = legendary and epic skins):
    Ana: 20/73 unlocks, 0 legendaries/2 epics: Merciful, Shrike

    Bastion: 27/72 unlocks, 1 legendary/0 epics: Woodbot

    Dva: 29/73 unlocks, 2 legendaries/0 epics: Junker, B.Va, Scavenger

    Hanzo: 26/69 unlocks, 0 legendaries/1 epic: Cloud

    Genji: 23/70 unlocks, 0 legendaries/2 epic: Carbon Fiber, Nihon

    Junkrat: 30/73 unlocks, 1 legendary/3 epics: Hayseed; Jailbird, Toasted, Firework (Year of the Rooster exclusive)

    Lucio: 31/73 unlocks, 1 legendary/1 epic: Breakaway; Synaethesia

    McCree: 25/71 unlocks, 2 legendaries/0 epics: Gambler, Mystery Man

    Mei: 25/76 unlocks, 1 legendary/0 epics: Chang’e (Year of the Rooster exclusive)

    Mercy: 45/73 unlocks, 3 legendaries/2 epic: Sigrun, Devil, Imp; Cobalt, Fortune (Year of the Rooster exclusive)

    Pharah: 24/72 unlocks, 1 legendary/1 epic: Thunderbird; Anubis

    Reaper: 28/72 unlocks, 0 legendaries/1 epic: Wight

    Reinhardt: 24/74 unlocks, 2 legendaries/0 epics: Bloodhardt, Wujing (Year of the Rooster exclusive)

    Roadhog: 28/74 unlocks, 2 legendaries/1 epic: Islander, Sharkbait; Rudolph (Winter Event exclusive)

    Soldier: 76: 24/71 unlocks, 1 legendary/2 epic: Night Ops: 76; Golden, Immortal (Halloween exclusive)

    Sombra: 12/67 unlocks, 1 legendary/0 epics: Los Muertos

    Symmetra: 27/72 unlocks, 0 legendaries/3 epics: Regal, Utopaea, Qipao (Year of the Rooster exclusive)

    Torbjorn: 31/72 unlocks, 1 legendary/1 epic: Barbarossa; Woodclad

    Tracer: 30/73 unlocks, 0 legendaries/3 epic: Posh, Sporty, Rose (Year of the Rooster exclusive)

    Widowmaker: 34/72 unlocks, 2 legendaries/1 epic: Odette, Noir(Pre-purchase exclusive); Winter

    Winston: 25/72 unlocks, 2 legendaries/0 epics: Safari, Wukong (Year of the Rooster exclusive)

    Zarya: 31/72 unlocks, 3 legendaries/0 epics: Arctic, Cybergoth, Industrial

    Zenyatta: 31/72 unlocks, 2 legendaries/1 epic: Ifrit, Sunyatta; Ascendant

    Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Edition
    Paragon Level: 438
    Pennants: Warlords of Draenor
    Achievement points: 2940, 36% overall

    Off season classes:
    70 Demon Hunter
    70 Wizard
    70 Monk

    No expansions
    Warlords of Draenor card back
    Level 17 Mage Deck
    Level 5 Rogue Deck
    Level 13 Hunter Deck
    Level 14 Warlock Deck
    Level 10 Warrior Deck
    Other decks are level 1

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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