Sold Selling selling r/m/s/k/p 7 years account dd (pvp and pvp) imba gear

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by petringo, 8/31/17.

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  1. petringo

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    i am selling r/m/s/k/p end game 7 years account with 2 billion gold end game dd gear with 70 lvl pet a lot of legendary pets and MW pets,
    ibw sw title, dagger 98 lvl HD +23 tier 13 , tier 9 best stated gear and rings +23. The account is 7 years builded account and is 1 of the best dd account some one can find with many goodies included also
    rogue 99 lvl
    scout 99 lvl
    knight 99 lvl
    mage 82 lvl
    priest 55 lvl

    The account price is 1,000 euro and is not a lot coz if you want to start playing rom nowdays you need a lot lot more time and money to catch the lvl of the account, for more info send me mail at [email protected] ty
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