Sold [USA][H]Madden 18 Preorder DLC X1 & PS4, Jak and Daxter, Mighty No 9 + DLC Dead Island...

Discussion in 'Madden Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/ued222, 8/30/17.

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  1. /u/ued222

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    The Madden 18 preorder dlc includes

    An Elite player from your favorite NFL team

    5 Squad Packs

    I am looking for $5 Paypal or PSN each

    Jak and Daxter PS4 I am looking for $12 Paypal

    Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure PS4 $6 Paypal

    Mighty No 9 + Ray Expansion DLC + Retro Hero Beck DLC Playstation 4 $8 Paypal

    Dead Island Riptide + Retro Revenge Ps4 $8 Paypal

    Metrico+ PS4 $7 Paypal

    Republique Remastered PS4 $6 Paypal

    I have 7 successful trades so far and if you want me to send first just show some feedback.

    # #/ued222
    . .
    #1 /u/ued222, 8/30/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
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