Main account VS 240+k certs earned Over 20 aux medals Betelgeuse unlocked BR 100+ Well rounded character with many unlocks on all classes and vehicles. Directive White Camo NC 32k certs earned 6 aux Few 100 kills away from GODSAW BR 70+ Mostly Heavy, Engineer, and Ground Vehicles. TR 31k+ certs earned 6 aux Several 100 kills away from Butcher BR 70+ Mostly Heavy, Engineer, and Ground Vehicles. Each character has over 2.6 kd up to almost a 3kd. No real money spent on game, but lots of time spent and lots of unlocks. Price is #
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Do you have any other directive guns on the VS. If you don't can you please show which weapons are aruxiumed? Thanks. I am very interested in the account, but little information is given. I am willing to give you your price, but it depends on the directive weapons. Thanks!