Selling Selling Ultimate Marvel Heroes account just in time for Omega Patch

Discussion in 'Marvel Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nobiyoyo, 8/29/17.

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  1. Nobiyoyo

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    Epic account, one time offer. all characters unlocked and all level 60. over 60 teamups all are level 60. all vendors and raiding upgrades purchased. over 10,000 achievement points and over 1300 INFINITY points. sitting over 570 in the login in rewards. have over 20,000 odin marks and 30 lvl 80 legendaries purchased. sitting around 1900 splinters and 2000 cube shards. almost 20 titles 40 stash tabs and every character stash. this account comes with over 300 costumes, with all but 3 or 4 left from fortune cards. over 200 COSMIC artifacts and several insignias worth over 30 to 40 dollars apiece if u sold them (highly desired). have over 10 fragments of twilight crafted.

    not only are the characters geared, MILLIONS of credits spent to get good rolls on uniques, rings, artifacts, and runewords. you could literally main any character ingame and easily wear the best in slot gear on any character. there isn't much of anything left in this game to want, just waiting on new content. I've lost my interest in this game and my disinterest is your GAIN.

    IF YOU LOVE THIS GAME, but feel behind the curve... here's your chance to instantly be at the front of the pack.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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