2x Hearthstone beta key , each beta key for USD 250 and above

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 2/24/14.

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    I am selling two hearthstone beta key , Each priced at USD 250 and above.

    Payment method: paypal; no scams.

    Skype contact details : david.lee.1986

    Welcome to the Hearthstone?: Heroes of Warcraft? beta test for the Americas! We're thrilled to have you join us and we look forward to hearing your feedback, which will help us get the final touches in before the game is ready to launch!

    Once you're up and running, you'll get the chance to play as a hero of legend from one of nine iconic Warcraft classes. Each hero draws from its own Warcrafty combination of spells and minions. Before you know it, you'll be ready to duel other beta participants, and compete for fun, glory, and the chance to win awesome new cards!

    Note that as a beta tester for Hearthstone, you will also be using Battle's new desktop app, designed to improve the launcher experience for all Blizzard games. For more information about this app, check out our blog and FAQ.

    Getting Started

    1. Log in to Battle account management using your Battle account

    2. Go to Games & Codes > Add a Game Key.

    3. Enter your game key - see the "Your Hearthstone Game Key" section below.

    4. Select Windows or Mac as your operating system. This will begin the combined Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft/Battle download and installation process.

    5. Once prompted, enter your Battle account name and password. The Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft installation process should continue automatically.

    6. Once installation is complete, press Play and enjoy!

    Do you want to trade?
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