Sold Selling Selling cheap khux global account nova 400+ latest t5 guilted and more

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by redante182, 8/28/17.

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  1. redante182

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    HI ,
    Im Selling my khux account with many fully guilted premiums , 3M&B and 4 Brooms , a lot of evolve materials , most of the keyblades +25 or more .
    Was able to score top 1000 atleast on all the HSC , party is always ranked top 50 etc..
    You can check the screenshots i've provided .
    This is a great deal i just want to get the money ive spent on the game as i no longer have time to invest in this .
    I can provide the Facebook. account login info and everything you'll need and we can go on discord so i can walk you through everything but i will NOT go first .
    Also VIP is active until the end of the week .
    Starting price at : 250 €
    If you need more info feel free to send me a message in private or on this post .

    Have a nice day

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