Hey all, new member and new to selling a game account. Pretty much all my friends got into HS and I followed along and just kept spending money buying packs and trying to make better decks only to realize I suck at card games like this and don't want to play anymore lol. Im not sure how to get a list of all my cards but ill say the legendarys and will look for any epics you have questions about. Archmage Antonidas Prophet Velen Al'akir The Windlord Grommash HellScream Bloodmage Thalnos Leeroy Jenkins Old Murk-Eye Gelbin mekkatorque Ragnaros The Fire Lord Alexstrasza Ysera As far as epics it will be easier to say I dont have 8-10 and maybe only 3-4 important 1's (depending on what you play) because I disenchanted some bad 1's id never use. Only missing 1 Neutral epic and its Southsea Captain. Warlock 29 Paladin 15 Priest 15 Mage 26 Warrior 17 Shaman 15 Hunter 8 Rouge 3 Druid 2 Was ranked 12 but currently 17. Asking price 220$ willing to get a middle man at your dime. Will call, facetime, to show deck, skype, vent, whatever you want to do. I just am not going to play the game anymore and would like to recoup some money. The account only has a Hearthstone account on it and has just been created around a month ago. Id also like to add I am a 26 year old male, I created this account myself and all the purchases have been from me, so you are not dealing with a kid and his moms credit card haha. Thank you for looking ill keep checking back to reply asap. 175$ bump