Selling Selling Selling mobile legends acc lv 30 (26 pj and 25 skins)

Discussion in 'Monster Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ZeroNKalio, 8/27/17.

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  1. ZeroNKalio

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    Hi!Hi! I'm selling a mobile legends account, 26 pj and 25 skins ...
    -minotaur S4
    -alucard S2
    -fanny S3
    -fanny: campus youth
    -zilong: dragon knight
    -clint: gun and roses
    -clint: sun n sand
    -cyclops: super adventurer
    -cyclops: exorcist
    -karina: christmas cheer
    -miya: queen of banshees
    -akai: soccer titan
    -tigreal: dark knight
    -eudora: flame red lips
    -chou: hip hop boy
    -freya: dark rose
    -natalia: glass blade
    -saber: golden warrior
    -hayabusa: spacetime shadow
    -karrie: rising star
    -estes: holy priest
    -aurora: natures throne
    -moskov: spear of bone dragon
    -balmond: primal fury
    -harley: naughty joker

    Frame of legend.
    1700 games
    320 MVP
    ACC LV 30
    """""300 diamonds for free use"""""

    ---------------- 140 USD "i accept offerts" ----------------
    whatssapp: +57 310 638 5554

    special sale please contact me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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