[NA] Hearthstone Account with 17 legendaries (Golden Ysera, Onyxia included!)

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 2/24/14.

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    This account is perfect for any hearthstone player that wants a huge head start. It has almost every card in the game including 17 legendaries, 2 of which are the most-seeked Golden Legendaries in the game (Prettiest Dragons EVER) - Onyxia, Ysera. Also, there are many golden foiled epic, rare and common cards on the account too, totaling 42 (+4 legend) = 46 golden cards.

    The only unique cards that are missing are listed at the bottom. This account has EVERY unique card except for 24 of them which include 15 legendaries, 8 epics and 1 rare (none of the common cards are missing).

    I have spent at least 400 dollars on this account (can be proved with payment history) to attain and collect all these cards and it took countless hours. Buying this account will save you time, money (at least 200 dollars) and also you will be a step ahead of everyone else by having access to almost all the cards. This battle account also will include access to Diablo. Keep in mind that you are able to change the battle ID once after you receive the account. It is really a great deal so read ahead if you want more specifics of the account.


    Golden Legendary cards: (4)

    1. Cairne Bloodhoof

    2. Gelbin Meekatorque

    3. Onyxia

    4. Ysera

    Normal Legendaries:

    (Druid, Hunter, Rogue, Warlock, and Warrior)

    1. Cenarius

    2. King Krush

    3. Edwin VanCleef

    4. Lord Jaraxxus

    5. Grommash Hellscream


    1. Bloodmage Thalnos

    2. Nat Pagle

    3. Old Murk-Eye

    4. Captain Greenskin

    5. The Beast

    6. The Black Knight

    7. Baron Geddon

    8. Ragnaros the Firelord

    Epic cards: (2 golden)





    Rare Cards: (19 Golden)


    Keeper of Grove



    Lightning Storm



    Armorsmith (2)



    Ancient Watcher

    Mana Addict

    Mana Wraith

    Pint-sized Summoner

    Wild Pyromancer (2)

    Emperor Cobra

    Violet Teacher

    Azure Drake (2)

    Gadegetzan Auctioneer


    Common (21 Golden)

    List of Goldens:


    Mirror Entity

    Cone of Cold


    Eye for an Eye




    Betrayal (2)

    Defias Ringleader



    Slam (2)

    Cruel Taskmaster


    Leper Gnome

    Dire Wolf Alpha

    Faerie Dragon (Very pretty!)

    Raging Worgen

    Thrallmar Farseer

    Cult Master

    Silvermoon Guardian


    Venture Co. Mercenary (2)

    I have at least one of every card except:

    (These are the only cards I am missing) (9)

    Druid - Ancient of War (epic)

    Hunter - Bestial Wrath (epic)

    Priest - Cabal Shadow Priest (epic)

    Paladin - Equality (rare)

    Shaman - Far Sight (epic)

    Warlock - Bane of Doom (epic), Twisting Nether (epic)

    Warrior - Brawl (epic)

    Neutral - Southsea Captain (epic)

    and the following Legendary cards (15) not listed above which include:

    1. Deathwing

    2. Nozdormu

    3. Malygos

    4. Alexstrasza

    5. Gruul

    6. Sylvanas Windrunner

    7. Illidan Stormrage

    8. Hogger

    9. Harrison Jones

    10. Elite Tauren Chieftain

    11. Leeroy Jenkins

    12. Tinkmaster Overspark

    13. King Mukla

    14. Millhouse Manastorm

    15. Lorewalker Cho


    Mage: 23

    Shaman: 26

    Druid: 23

    Paladin: 19

    Warlock: 18

    Hunter: 14

    Warrior: 25

    Rogue: 31

    Priest: 38

    Current gold: 90

    Current dust: 550

    69 Arena wins

    233 Playmode wins

    I understand that this is a brand new forum account with no rep of any sort, but I am fully willing (and only willing) to use a middleman from one of the middleman services from this site. While I do not have a firm price for this account, my a/w is at $200 (Paypal only). I am willing to pay for the cost of the middleman by deducting it from the amount the account is sold for. If you would like to contact me about the account, then please send a PM to me and we can talk furthermore via Skype.


    bump because I need on more post

    bump and thanks

    Interested, pls msg on skype yegorsosin

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