Total Wins: 1575 Total Levels: 312 (Paladin 59, Priest 60) Priest 500 ranked wins = Golden, warrior has over 100 wins, paladin around 50, rest 20ish each. 1735 Dust, 5 Gold Legendary: Tirion Fordring, Bloodmage Thalnos, Old Murk Eye, Captain Greenskin, Gelbin, Hogger, Sylvanas, Ysera, Golden Illidan (1600 dust if you disenchant) 90+% of all common cards Missing around 6 neutral rare cards (mostly ones that are never used like pint sized summoner, lightwarden) Got most class rare cards with warrior and paladin 99% full, other classes are either 60-80% collected. Notable epic cards missing, 1x Molten Giant 2x Mountain Giants, 2x Big Game Hunter, 2x Bloodknight, 1x Murloc Warleader, 2x Brawl, 2x Doomhammer, 2x Pyroblast, 2x Ancient of War, 2x, Force of Nature, 2X Iceblock, 2X Cabal Shadowpriest Notable golden cards: Illidan, 2x Armorsmith, 1x Sea Giant, 1x Ancient of Lore, 1x Kirin Tor Mage, 1x Shadowflame, 1x Upgrade, 1x Frothin Berseker, 1x Arcane Golem + 8 or so more other common or rare cards. You can play a Warlock Murloc deck, craft a few more cards and play Warlock Zoo (just need young priestess I think and Leeroy), Paladin Control, Hunter Aggro or midrange (can craft Leeroy for the Aggro with the dust), Paladin and Warrior Aggro. With the Warlock and Hunter decks you could reach Legend, harder with the others since they either aren't that good in the current # or not lack some cards to be optimized. You could play a midrange druid deck too I guess to counter hunter aggro on ladder if you craft another good legendary for it (Cairne or something). Price: 50 euro (verified paypal) Pm if you are interested. I give away all required info to buyers I can trust. No scammers please, don't waste your time here. Do you know if it can be merged with another account