Name: Dream Win:234 Gold :30 Dust 250 Neutral: Rare: Angry Chicken Bloodsail Corsair Murloc Tidecaller Crazed Archemist Pint-sized summoner Sunfury Protector Alarm o bot Coldlight Oracle Coldlight seer Demolisher Emperor Cobra Imp Master Questing Adventurer Defender of Argus Twilight Drake Abomination Azure Drake Violet Teacher Gadgetzan Auctioneer Stampeding Kodo Argent Commander Sunwalker Epic: Mountain Giant BloodKnight Legendary: Deathwing Ysera Illidan Sylvanas Windrunner Hunter: lvl 31 Bestial Wrath (Epic) Flare (Rare) Snake trap (Epic) Eaglehorn Bow (Rare) Unleash the Hound Mage: lvl 26 Kirin Tor Mage (Rare) Spell Bender (Epic) Ethereal Arcanist (Rare) Blizzard (Rare) Druid: lvl 22 Savagery (Rare) Nourish (Rare) Starfall (Golden Rare) Force of Nature (Epic) Ancient of Lore (Epic) Priest: lvl 27 Lightwell (Rare) Mass Dispel (Rare) Shadow of Madness (Golden Rare) Light Spawn (Gold Common) Holy Flare (Rare) Auchenai SoulPriest (Rare) Warrior: lvl 11 Commading Shout (Rare) Frothing Berserker(Rare) Mortal Strike (Rare) Gorehowl (Epic) Paladin: lvl 23 Blessed Champion (Rare) Holy Wrath (Rare) Lay on Hands (Epic) Aldor Peacekeeper (Rare) Shaman: lvl 16 Ancestral Spirit (Rare) Far Sight (Epic) Feral Spirit (Rare) Lava Burst (Rare) Lighting Storm (Rare) Warlock: lvl 18 Felguard (Rare) Void Terror (Rare) ShadowFlame (Rare) Bane of Doom (Epic) Doomguard (Rare) Rogue: lvl 14 Blade Furry (Rare) HeadCrack (Rare) Master of Disguise (Rare) Kidnapper (Epic)