Selling Selling Double grandmasters frame, diamond frames, 341 skins, godpack, 1800+hoursspent

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by PositiveAura, 8/26/17.

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  1. PositiveAura

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    I am interested in selling my unique Smite Account. I have been playing since Season 1 and because of personal issues (moving, school) I don't have as much time as I had earlier to play. The account is pretty "stacked" with a lot of Limited items and skins (which you can never buy again or just a few dates per year), either if you are a new player,or an experienced one, this account might just be prefect for you!

    - 89 530 favors, 17 333 gems (22/08/2017 account state)

    - Ultimate God Pack (which means ALL gods forever)

    - More than 35 voice packs

    - Whole 2016 Odyssey (Ragnarok Force X | Thor)

    - All adventure packs (to 25/08/2017)

    - GRANDMASTERS Joust Season 3 frame (only 100 people all around the world has it)

    - GRANDMASTERS Joust Season 4 frame (maximum 75 people all around the world will have it)

    - 37 wards

    - 65 icons (LIMITED Division icons- Diamond Season 2 conquest, Platinium Season 2 Duel, Gold Season 1 duel)

    - 347/438 achievements done

    - 2016 odyssey Pedestal, 2017 Summer Pedestal

    - 1800+ hours, and 140 euro spent on account

    - about 250 friend invites

    If you are interested in more information, write to me via PRIVATE MESSAGE


    Critical.Dmg | NeZha (exclusive)
    Dr. Madlove | Cupid (LIMITED)
    Freaky | Tiki Ah Puch (exclusive)
    SPF 666 | The Morrigan (exclusive)
    Kajiunbo | Kuzenbo (exclusive)
    Ordo Aurora | Freya (exclusive)
    Abyssal Sorcerer | Poseidon (LIMITED)
    Vanguard | Hercules (LIMITED)
    Cosmic | Sol (exclusive)
    Modern Messenger | Mercury (exclusive)
    Secret Order | Ullr (exclusive)
    Vampiric | Scylla (LIMITED)
    World Walker | Janus (exclusive)
    Winner's Circle | Apollo (LIMITED)
    Star eater | Khepri (exclusive)
    Star lancer | Anhur (exclusive)
    Star strike | Neith (exclusive)
    Star tamer | Bastet (exclusive)
    Loki charms | Loki (exclusive)
    NRG | Chronos (exclusive)
    Conqueror | Nike (LIMITED)
    Guan unicorn | Guan Yu (LIMITED)
    Swashbuckler | Susano (LIMITED)
    Swarm Sentry | Ah muzen cab (exclusive)
    Iron Tyrant | Xing Tian (LIMITED)
    Modern Mercenary | Nemesis (LIMITED)
    Woodland rouge | The Morrigan (LIMITED)
    Drums out | Rajin (exclusive)
    Eldritch | Ra (exclusive)
    Jurrasic | Camazotz (exclusive)
    Barbarian | Thor (exclusive)
    Festive | Ratatoskr (exclusive)
    Snowman | Geb (exclusive)
    Convection 2017 | Khepri (exclusive)
    Prototype | Scylla (exclusive)
    Soarbek | Sobek (exclusive)
    Celestial | Isis (exclusive)
    Gemini | Agni (exclusive)
    Plague-bearer | Izanami (exclusive)
    Scarlet Dangerfield | Neith (exclusive)
    Old Wa | Nu Wa (exclusive)
    Steel Samurai | Susano (exclusive)
    Griffindward | Fafnir (limited)
    Hoot 'n holler | Bacchus (exclusive)
    Get Served | Freya (exclusive)
    Ace | Nu Wa (exclusive)
    Challenger | Nu Wa (exclusive)
    Duke dan de lyons | Anhur (exclusive)
    Sun wu xing | Sun Wukong (exclusive)
    Last Laugh | Loki (LIMITED)
    Vicious | Apollo (LIMITED)
    Enforcer | Athena (exclusive)
    K-9 | Anubis (exclusive)
    Chaacolate | Chaac (exclusive)
    Adjudicator | Anubis (exclusive)
    Aurum | Nu Wa (exclusive)
    Crimson Ops | Bastet (exclusive)
    Last Commando | Rama (exclusive)
    Silent Blade | Nemesis (exclusive)
    Spl 2016 | Bellona (exclusive)
    Sunstar | Ra (LIMITED)
    White death | Loki (exclusive)
    Sir Pentsworth IV. Esq. | Kukulkan (exclusive)
    Berserker | Ullr (LIMITED)
    Irezumir | Ymir (exclusive)
    Soulless machine | Sol (LIMITED)
    Harajuku | Neith (exclusive)
    Kaiju | Sobek (exclusive)
    King of the deep | Poseidon (exclusive)
    Ragnarok Force X | Thor (LIMITED)
    Steel Scarab | Khepri (exclusive)
    King of the ring | Ravana (LIMITED)
    Rock from bisrakh | Ravana (exclusive)
    Furiona | Bellona (exclusive)
    Ba5s drop | Janus (exclusive)
    Ragnatoskr | Ratatoskr (exclusive)
    Convection 2016 | Anubis (exclusive)
    Curse Agni | Agni (exclusive)
    Dragon Knight | Ao Kuang (LIMITED)
    All shadow skins
    SWC 2016 | Zeus (LIMITED)
    Idusa | Medusa (exclusive)
    Chaac Brazil | Chaac (exclusive)
    Chaac Latin America | Chaac (exclusive)
    Nu Horizons | Nu Wa (exclusive)
    Kuku | Kukulkan (exclusive)
    Dr. Vanus | Sylvanus (LIMITED)
    Skaliwag | Kali (exclusive)
    Instakill | Neith (exclusive)
    Iron Crow | Hou Yi (LIMITED)
    Keymaster | Janus (exclusive)
    Retrocles | Hercules (LIMITED)
    Bizzy B | Cupid (exclusive)
    Triump & Agni | Agni (exclusive)
    Beach Babe | Aphrodite (exclusive)
    Hunkules | Hercules (exclusive)
    Kumbhalayan yeti | Khumbakarna (exclusive)
    Solid Hornet | Ah muzen cab (LIMITED)
    Executioner | Nemesis (LIMITED)
    SPL 2015 (EU) | Xbalanque (LIMITED)
    SPL 2015 (NA) | Xbalanque (LIMITED)
    Titan | Vulcan (exclusive)
    Void Wyrm | Kukulkan (LIMITED)
    Liberte | Athena (exclusive)
    Carnaval Queen | Neith (exclusive)
    Curse Voice | Apollo (exclusive)
    Rage | Bakasura (LIMITED)
    Buccaneith | Neith (exclusive)
    Super Chronos 64 | Chronos (exclusive)
    Nice and naughty | Nu Wa (exclusive)
    Convection 2015 | Tyr (exclusive)
    Sock Puppetyr | Tyr (exclusive)
    Orbital Strike | Rama (exclusive)
    Water dancer | Nu Wa (exclusive)
    Lunar tango | Chang'e (exclusive)
    Lord Slashington III | Fenrir (exclusive)
    Pixel Buster | Freya (exclusive)
    The king | Bacchus (exclusive)

    Convection 2014 | Guan Yu (exclusive)
    Jack The Reaper | Thanatos (exclusive)
    Stalker | Artemis (exclusive)
    Feaster Bunny | Bakasura (exclusive)
    Alienware | Ra (exclusive)
    Solar Eclipse | Ra (exclusive)
    Breezy Chibi | Kukulkan (exclusive)
    Father Chrishmash | Bacchus (exclusive)
    Worlds Collide | Odin (exclusive)


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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