Selling Selling Warframe Master Founder account! Mastery 21 and 4 years old!

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by datbuiiiii, 8/26/17.

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  1. datbuiiiii

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    Hey! I've gotten really bored of Warframe to the point where I fall asleep at the computer multiple times in the recent couple of months... So I have decided to try and sell it since I don't ever plan on coming back to the game.

    I've invested a lot into the account money wise. It has all the warframe up to Titania and of course Excalibur prime! I am asking for about 800$ for the account since I am gonna try to purchase a laptop for school.

    Link to images of the account! (Multiple prime access bought)

    I only accept payment through Paypal friends & family! The price can be negotiated. Starting price (800$)

    You can reach me through discord!
    Email: [email protected] (same as the one the account is under)

    Just be sure to leave me a message in there and ill be sure to respond as soon as I can!
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