Selling Selling Selling smite account on pc for 100$

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Ewired0110, 8/26/17.

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  1. Ewired0110

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    I sold my # and am now playing on ps4 unfortunately I can transfer all my stuff over as hi-Rez just informed me. I've spend around 200$ on this account and just want some of it back.

    kik: IcyMedic0110

    Account info as follows:
    Level: 29
    Gems: 70
    Favor: 26,878
    Has God pack
    Ward skins: 2
    Icons: 8
    FP: 9245 (level 12)
    Skins: 50 (I will list by god) most are t3 and above or exclusive

    Agni: Swagni
    Ah Muzen Cab: Dark Whisperer
    Anhur: Olympian
    Anubis: k9 and jackal knight
    Arachne: Black Widow and Grim weaver
    Ares: Diamond Sword
    Artamis: Wrangler
    Athena: Liberte
    Bellona: Agony
    Chaac: Hailstorm
    Change: suns bride
    Chiron: constable moosejaw
    Geb: Life's a beach
    Hades: Grim Wraith
    He bo: Infinity Wave
    Hercules: lion of Olympus and Vanguard
    Hou yi: moons groom, hou ru kai, and grim eclipse ( my main god)
    Isis: shadow
    Jing wei: storm raven
    Kali: skaliwag
    Kuzenbo: Shino-bu
    Loki: slither
    Medusa: nebula
    Nox: lady liberty
    Odin: mountain man and worlds collide
    Osiris: black knight and noble knight
    Posideon: abyssal sorcerer
    Ra: ra Mercia and solar sentinel
    Rama: the marksman
    Scylla: vampiric
    Serqet: madame blade
    Skadi: ski patrol
    Sun wukong: dark lord
    Susano: golden
    Sylvanus: perma frost and bob Ross
    Tyr: privatyr and Draco knight
    Zeus: uncle Zeus
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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