Selling Selling WTS account: 2x R255 characters and 1x R208 and a lot of g1c stuff

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by waggifixer013, 8/25/17.

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  1. waggifixer013

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    Helle everyone,

    I have played APB for a long time, and I have spent a lot of time and money in it. Now I would like to sell my account because I really need the money (study). I have 4 characters with a lot of account bound items.

    SelectFire (male) - R255 - Jericho (NA) - 2006 hours play time:

    Primary Weapons:

    - Star 556
    - Joker CR-5 PR2
    - N-HVR 243 'Scout' PR1
    - OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' RT1
    - Colby M-1922 Mk3
    - ALIG 762 R&D III
    - 2X Joker SR315 Carbine
    - JG-1040 Tactical
    - 2X Colby CSG-20 PR1
    - Agrotech DMR-AV PR2
    - N-HVR 243-SD PR2
    - VAS-R2 'Sword' NFCP 3
    - PDW-57 'Stilleto'
    - Obeya CR762
    - N-HVR 762 Dvah
    - Joker CR-5
    - OSCAR NFCP 3
    - Obeya SLR-762 'Spartan'
    - N-HVR 243 'Scout' RT1
    - N-SSW 74 "Kraken"
    - PSR 'Harrier' R&D III

    Secondary Weapons:

    - Colby SNR 850
    - Colby SNR 850 'Cherub'
    - 2X ACT 44 "Last Stand"
    - Obeya FBW
    - Colby .45 AP
    - Obeya FBW - SD


    - 2X Frag Grenade
    - Stun Grenade
    - Low-Yield Fragmentation Grenade
    - Eight-Ball
    - Half-Brick
    - Concussion Grenade
    - Percussion Grenade


    - Patriot V20 Super 4A
    - 2X Cisco Z180 "Ophelia"
    - Cisco JX04 "DevilDog"
    - Vegas G20-04 "Firebomb"
    - Macchina Cosenza FTV1


    - Animal suit

    - Backpack, Skateboard
    - Bald Eagle Mask
    - Beret
    - Cannibal Mask
    - Bunny ears
    - Cigar
    - Cowboy Hat
    - Desert Scarf
    - Desert Scarf Mask
    - Easter Egg Mask
    - Evil Clown Mask
    - Fez
    - Hand Wraps
    - Headphones
    - High-Top Boots
    - Hockey Mask
    - Nixon Mask
    - Party Blower
    - Party Hat
    - Rabbit Mask
    - Reindeer Antlers
    - Santa Hat
    - Snowman eyes
    - Snowman head
    - Snowman Nose
    - Tactical Harness
    - Wizzard Hat
    - Tactical Gear Bonus Pack


    - Assassin
    - Asylum
    - Candy Cane
    - Christmas Snowflake
    - Gold
    - Halloween Bats
    - Halloween Ghost
    - Hazard
    - HighTech
    - Praetorian
    - Prentiss Tigers
    - Camo - Digital Blue
    - Flag - Poland
    - Flag - USA
    - Chrome (Gunslinger)

    SelectFire1 (female) - R255 - Jericho (NA) - 1030 hours play time:

    Primary Weapons:

    - STAR 556
    - OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' RT1
    - Obeya SLR-762 'Spartan'
    - N-HVR 243-SD PR2
    - JG-1040 Tactical
    - N-HVR 762
    - Colby M-1922 Mk3
    - VAS-R2 'Sword' NFCP 3
    - ALIG 762 R&D III
    - Colby CSG-20 PR1
    - Joker SR315 Carbine
    - OSCAR NFCP 3
    - PDW-57 'Stilleto'
    - N-HVR 762 Dvah
    - Joker CR-5
    - N-SSW 74 "Kraken"
    - N-HVR 243 'Scout' RT1
    - PSR 'Harrier' R&D III

    Secondary Weapons:

    - Obeya FBW
    - 2X ACT 44 "Last Stand"
    - Colby .45 AP
    - Obeya FBW - SD


    - 2X Frag Grenade
    - Percussion Grenade
    - Low-Yield Fragmentation Grenade
    - Concussion Grenade
    - Half-Brick
    - Eight-Ball


    - Macchina Calabria 127
    - 2X Cisco Z180 "New-Cross"
    - Macchina Cosenza FTV1
    - Street Krew Lookout
    - Patriot Rhino G22
    - Rapier S4 "Brood"
    - "New Gresty" Nomad
    - Patriot Vegas G24


    - Beret
    - Bunny Ears
    - Cat Ears
    - Combat Harness
    - Desert Scarf
    - Desert Scarf Mask
    - Devil-horned Alice Band
    - Domino Mask
    - Evil Clown Mask
    - Hand Wraps
    - Headphones
    - High-Top Boots
    - Party Blower
    - Party Hat
    - Pumpkin Mask
    - Tactical Elbowpads
    - Tactical Kneepads
    - Street RX Outfit
    - Paramilitary Bonus Pack


    - Assassin
    - Asylum
    - Bloodrose
    - Christmas Snowflake
    - Color - Cyan
    - G-Kings
    - Gold
    - Halloween Bats
    - Halloween Ghost
    - Halloween Pumpkin
    - Hazard
    - HighTech
    - Chrome (Gunslinger)

    Quezy (female) - R209 - Citadel (EU) - 393 hours play time:

    Primary Weapons:

    - STAR 556
    - Joker CR-5
    - OSCAR NFCP 3
    - Colby CSG-20 PR1
    - Obeya SLR-762 'Spartan'
    - PDW-57 'Stilleto'
    - N-HVR 762 Dvah
    - VAS-R2 'Sword' NFCP 3
    - Joker SR315 Carbine
    - JG-1040 Tactical
    - N-HVR 243-SD PR2
    - Colby M-1922 Mk3
    - OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' RT1
    - Joker CR-5 PR2
    - N-TEC 5 Nol
    - ALIG 762
    - AAEPD "Volcano JC"
    - Obeya CAP40 'Sergeant'
    - PSR 'Harrier' R&D III
    - OCA-EW 626 NFCP 1
    - N-SSW 74 "Kraken"
    - N-HVR 243 'Scout' RT1
    - EOL 'Kickback' Mk4
    - NFAS-12 'True Ogre'

    Secondary Weapons:

    - Obeya FBW
    - Colby .45 AP
    - 2X ACT 44 "Last Stand"
    - Obeya FBW - SD


    - Frag Grenade
    - Percussion Grenade
    - Stun Grenade
    - Concussion Grenade


    - Macchina Calabria 127
    - 2X Cisco Z180 "Ophelia"
    - Macchina Cosenza FTV1
    - Bishida Kissaki
    - Patriot Vegas G24


    - Bald Eagle Mask
    - Desert Scarf
    - Desert Scarf Mask
    - Hand Wraps
    - High-Top Boots
    - Tactical Harness
    - Tin Foil Hat
    - Uncle Sam Jacket
    - Witches Hat
    - Tactical Gear Bonus Pack
    - Street RX Outfit


    - Assassin
    - Asylum
    - Christmas Snowflake
    - Gold
    - Halloween Ghost
    - Hazard
    - HighTech
    - Praetorian
    - Prentiss Tigers
    - Flag - USA

    Xeant (male) - R21 - Citadel (EU) - 2 hours play time:

    Primary Weapons:

    - STAR 556
    - OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' RT1
    - Colby M-1922 Mk3
    - N-HVR 243-SD PR2
    - JG-1040 Tactical
    - Joker SR315 Carbine
    - VAS-R2 'Sword' NFCP 3
    - N-HVR 762 Dvah
    - PDW-57 'Stilleto'
    - Obeya SLR-762 'Spartan'
    - Colby CSG-20 PR1
    - OSCAR NFCP 3
    - Joker CR-5
    - PSR 'Harrier' R&D III
    - N-HVR 243 'Scout' RT1
    - N-SSW 74 "Kraken"
    - ALIG 762

    Secondary Weapons:

    - Obeya FBW
    - 2X ACT 44 "Last Stand"
    - Colby .45 AP
    - Obeya FBW - SD


    - Frag GrenadeVehicles:

    - Macchina Calabria 127
    - 2X Cisco Z180 "New Cross"
    - Macchina Cosenza FTV1
    - Vegas G20 4x4 "Gumshoe" ~ Expires in 174 days


    - Combat Harness
    - Dessert Scarf
    - Dessert Scarf Mask
    - Fez
    - Hand Wraps

    - Assassin
    - Asylum
    - Gold
    - Halloween Ghost
    - Hazard
    - HighTech


    I have put like 500/600 dollars in this game, so I would like it to get ±225$ for it. I hope I have given you enough information about my account!

    How you can contact me when you're interested:

    mail: [email protected]
    skype: [email protected] (Waggifixer013)
    discord: waggifixer013 #6410
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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