Sold Trading Au Ra i330 DRK i318 RDM sell/trade

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by simplycdot, 8/25/17.

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  1. simplycdot

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    LVL 70 DRK/RDM 62 SAM 60 MNK/SMN/MCH 50 BTN 53 NIN

    900K+ gil on hand

    DRK has full direct hit/strength materia VI melds. legs are overmelded with 3 materia VI 2 V

    Looking to sell my High End FFXIV account with all xpacs for $400 would also be willing to trade for a relic/mythic FFXI account. can give you all the details for the account or link to lodestone account has a lot invested and has a lot of hard to get gear and also Deltascape 2.0 savage clear/gear and 3.0 progression on Dark Knight

    add me on skype: Simplycdot
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