Paypal annoying error FIX

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ZebraKing, 8/25/17.

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  1. ZebraKing

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    hey guys so recently i sold an account online and was paid via PayPal friends and family (nothing strange so far XD), but then when i went to use the money i got this error message "We're sorry, but we can't send your payment right now" at first i was confused and thought my account had been limited but i didnt get any emails from paypal, i searched online for a solution and found absaloutley nothing usefull, I was going to contact customer support but after researching a bit on the interenet it seems they were of no help to anyone with this issue. After trying a few things i thought why not try to send on my phone and see if that works, i was skeptical at first and thought it wouldnt work either but to my suprise the payment went through. I dont know what causes this error but if youre getting it aswell maybe try sending the payment from your phone and see if that works. Hopefully i helped someone but if not its good know for the future.

    TLDR: Try using your phone for making the payment.
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